Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Showcase Home Project 2007 FAQS

Q. When will the project start?
A. Immediately as of February 22, 2007.

Q. How long will it take to build the house?
A. That will depend on how quickly sponsors get involved and on all the other variables involved in building a house. I would prefer to have it built by the end of the year.

Q. How will sponsorships be awarded?
A. All offers will be considered. Where only one sponsor for a particular area exists, that sponsor most likely will be given the sponsorship depending on the fit with the project. I will have to consider several different factors where there are several sponsors for the same type of product or service. Sponsorships may be shared or exclusive depending on the arrangement.

Q. Do you expect sponsors to just hand over money to you?
A. No. At this point, I am thinking that some sort of pledge and/or escrow system would be appropriate. I will need a sponsor to help with this issue. "To be determined" is my mantra at this time.

Q. What kind of sponsorships are available?
A. Any aspect of this project is available for sponsorship. I can the opportunity for everything from donating "in kind" services and products to providing financial assistance. I will post an ongoing list of services and products needed in my blog.

Q. Hasn't this been done before?
A. To my knowledge, not in this manner. There are showcase homes out there built by companies to display their services and products, but this is an independent effort by a common, ordinary citizen and the result is a unique and ongoing service for many companies and individuals. Also, I want to showcase the services behind the project, not just the obvious ones like building materials. There are a lot of do-it-yourselfers out there who will benefit from seeing this project in action.

Q. Who will the house belong to?
A. I foresee sort of organization forming in the beginning stages of this project. I might form a company or develop some sort of oversight board or some other arrangement may present itself. I retain all rights express or implied until I choose to make other formal arrangements. I also reserve the right to the live-in caretaker position.

Q. What will the sponsors get out of sponsoring the project?
A. 1) Widespread publicity throughout the project and indefinitely or until some point in time to yet be determined.
2) Ongoing advertising by showcasing products and services in a every day living setting through the Internet and all other media including a annual print catalog.
3) Some type of arrangement for tours, parties, events, or other "hands-on" experiences for the general public to observe the products and services up close.

Q. Why don't you have everything planned out?
A. I just want to plant the seed and see the project develop as the players become involved. This will illustrate a "real world" model for the individuals interested in the home building process. It would make a great reality TV show. (Hint, hint...)

Press Release

One Man's Home is Another Man's Advertising Opportunity
February 22, 2007

In the tradition of the wildly popular "One Red Paper Clip" and "The Million Dollar Homepage", Asheville, North Carolina resident Evan Smith has initiated a challenge that just might give him a place to call home. Daunted by trying to buy a reasonably decent house in an area where property values are skyrocketing, Smith is approaching his dilemma from another angle. The 42 year old chef/kitchen manager read about the Red Paper Clip and the Million Dollar Homepage and "thought maybe that kind of approach might work well for getting into a better house than I can afford around here."

Smith's idea is to build a house in Asheville from the ground up entirely by sponsorship. "Service professionals, retailers, craftsmen, real estate agencies - anyone can be a part of this project and have their names, products, and work connected to and advertised by this project." The projects that inspired his idea were hugely successful and Smith feels his project will get the same kind of attention.

"I'm not looking for a free ride." he says. "I am offering a service in exchange for sponsorship." The service he offers includes national exposure for sponsors throughout the project process as well as continuing publicity through maintaining the resulting house as a showcase for anyone interested in seeing the sponsors' services and products in action. His plans also include publishing a unique catalog that highlights all of the sponsors' contributions along with details on how to obtain the different services and products used in the Showcase Home.

Smith is quick to point out that "this is not like the HGTV Dream Home" where one lucky person wins a luxurious dream home every year. "Although, I wouldn't mind having HGTV as a sponsor." he says. "This project will take a lot of work before and after the house is built." He says he will be the caretaker for this home living in the finished project in addition to facilitating and overseeing the project from start to finish. "I'm going to need everything from Internet, legal, and banking services to land, lumber, and home decor. The project will take on a life of it's own as all the players get into the game."

"This is only the beginning," he says with a smile and looking off into the distance. "If this project goes well, I can see doing this on an annual basis choosing new caretakers for each new home." Smith is currently documenting his project at but that may change if another blogging site decides to sponsor him. For now, he says the only sure way to reach him is at his email address: .

The Project Begins!

In the spirit of the famous One Red Paper Clip and the Million Dollar Homepage, I am initiating the Showcase Home Project 2007. Unable to find adequate housing in my price range in the Asheville area, I am challenging the nation and possibly the whole world to help me build a Showcase Home where everything in the homebuilding and home ownership process will be showcased in the Project Home to be located in the Asheville, NC area. Starting with this this blog, I am looking for everything that will be involved in this process from blogging sponsorship to legal services to real estate services to home improvement products.

I am starting from ground zero with nothing but these words and this blogging site. I want to throw this out there to the general public and see if I can generate a snowball effect to build the Project Home. This is an opportunity for individuals and corporations alike to have recognition from being involved in a one of a kind project.

In return for sponsorships, sponsors will receive recognition for involvement in the project by 1) having their names displayed in connection with the project from the Internet presence of the project to the actual physical site of the project, 2) having their names published in any resulting printed media, 3) being showcased in a final print catalog of the project where each sponsors contributions will be displayed accordingly, and 4) being recognized in the ongoing publicity of the Showcase Home indefinitely. Other benefits may be determined later as the project grows.

As originator of this event, I will be the first caretaker of the Showcase Home Project 2007 setting the example for future caretakers with the 2007 project and/or future Project Homes. Caretaking includes living in the home and maintaining it in showcase condition for tours, publicity, and any other resulting events, functions, arrangements, etc. I have in mind initiating subsequent projects for the years to come. Each Project Home will require new caretakers.

This is an evolving project and will be subject to change. No promises, warranties, guarantees, or any other expectations are implied at this time other than expression of the project "idea". Exact terms will be determined as the project evolves and as more people become involved. The only certain fact at this time is that I am the sole owner and originator of this particular project and will be the caretaker of the final Showcase Home Project 2007 disclosed in this blog entry. At this point in time, I reserve the right to change all or any part of this proposal without incurring any liability of any sort.

Some sponsorships will be "in kind" sponsorships, some will be paid sponsorships, and others will be a combination of both. Potential sponsors may make offers to provide services, products, and/or financial resources for the project. If there is only one offer for a certain service, product, or financial resource, that offer will be accepted without further calls for sponsorship. If several offers are made for one need, a process will be determined later to award acceptance. Some sponsors may not care if sponsorship is shared in which case all sponsor offers will be accepted granted there are no conflicts of interest.

The following are some areas for which sponsorship is needed. I am open to suggestions for other areas.

-Blog site (I am starting with this one "unofficially", but welcome a sponsored site.)
-Web site services (hosting, domain, design, etc. See above comment.)
-Public Relations
-Publicist Services
-Legal Services
-Advertising and advertising services related to any aspect of the project
-Real Estate services
-Home design services
-Contracting services
-Landscaping services
-Mortgage/banking/financial services
-Home decor including arts and crafts

Copyright 2007 by J. Evan Smith - All rights reserved.